See what our customers are saying
“This process was easier than my previous writing process”
“I needed to vastly improve my thought process relative to writing. My expectations were met.
CCI showed a strong understanding of corporate operations, document formats and communication challenges. Excellent applications to our business: engineering proposals, letters, etc...”
“I am better prepared to fulfill the writing requirements I face on a day to day basis. I see how I will organize my thoughts more effectively and will reduce writing time.”
“It provides many benefits. Practical applications to everybody’s work on a daily basis. Builds confidence to write. Helps to make writing more enjoyable!
It will save a lot of time when drafting letters and memos. I was able to create a memo in 10 minutes after formatting the ideas.”
“This gave a framework to rely on when writing and helped me to organize thoughts and develop a plan of action. It should be made available to all including executives.
The shows the difference between just writing and writing to be understood. It should be available to all employees and mandatory for the majority. It is important for the company to present a polished image.”
“The methodology will be a valuable tool for a consistent, repeatable process for proposal development. Excellent for Pink Team and Red Teams reviews.”
“This system will give a framework for brainstorming, drafting and review sessions. It will also help teams develop one voice.
It creates a common language and technique when several persons work on a project. It will save time in writing.
Writing is a major function for all team members on the Networx RFP. I am actually looking forward to my next writing assignment.”
“This method helped our team identify customer value for our proposals”
“This will improve communication within ABA departments and will eliminate the confusion and help increase acceptance of ABA’s position on issues.”
“At State, it is imperative that position papers and directives be clear, concise and convincing. The fundamental building blocks are the key. They are easy to understand, and the structure helps to simplify complex issues”
“I feel I am much better equipped to tackle all of my writing/editing assignments. Key value is providing a comprehensive method of handling the writing process—in rethinking our approach to communicating.
Most writing I do is for training guides. This helps with organizing thoughts and brainstorming and is very valuable in terms of helping to lay foundation for all writing—good, practical pointers.
Turns writing into simple, step-by-step process. Helps decrease the fear factor. Lots of good information in the tutorial. Workscreens are especially helpful for planning and initiating the writing process—should result in more coherent, focused writing—and less procrastination!”
“The concept of using building blocks to “frame” the communication really turned on the lights.
Succinct ideas and good models—will help my own writing and help me guide the writing of others.
Extremely valuable! Definitely prepares one for the task ahead. Covers everything there is to know about preparing a document.
Encourages both creativity and identification of key ideas. This provides the writer with right brain and left brain involvement. I like that!
Provides a clear picture of how to initiate, develop and revise our written communication.”
“Helped to organize my writing. Also allowed me to evaluate my subject matter, add details and write more effectively and faster.
It will be a great help in writing summary reports to my boss for his boss and will help me get to the point”
“This is a fantastic software program. When we have many types of proposals created in the software, it makes the work much easier.”
“Provided a framework to organize a short response or a lengthy document—a formidable task indeed.
Crystallized the thought process and structure that will be used for the current proposal and will ensure consistency across the team. Extremely valuable on a project of this magnitude.”
“This is one of the critical knowledge-based techniques that we need to continue to make us a better company. I now have a clear format for writing proposals.
I can finally sit down and write, instead of procrastinating. The fundamental building blocks apply to all types of our writing!
I am now better able to write. It has given me a sense of direction, and I won’t be lost when I have to write.”
“Most valuable was learning how to distill and organize our data for a more efficient presentation. I also liked the way you encouraged the team aspect of our work and presentations.
Greatly improved my understanding of document structure and better writing techniques. It provided a model for clear writing which will give me confidence in preparing submissions.
The organizational structure for documents is highly beneficial as well as the breakdown of paragraphs and sentences. This would benefit NASA project managers and NASA’s overall management.”
“It provided me with a vocabulary and methodology for explaining to my editors and technical writers why I change their documents. It is going to be of great value in coaching others.
The scope of proposal writing is changing. Those who had previously not been involved in proposal writing will need to start contributing. This will help them!
The worksheets will be helpful at the start of a writing project by forcing you to focus on the message. They make you think in parallel and show where the holes are.
Technical people generally do not like writing. By providing structure and tools, this technique can turn that around.”